Christmas Gifts for Her

White background with white gift box and greenery

It’s the most beautiful time of the year… and the most stressful. Juggling work, family, and gift shopping can quickly become exhausting for anyone who isn’t an elf. If you add on the pressure of trying to impress your special someone with the perfect gift, it becomes very overwhelming. We have done the research and know that when December hits, the online shopping frenzy begins. What should I get my mum for Christmas? How do I impress my girlfriend with the perfect gift? What do you buy your new mother-in-law?

While we can’t promise all of your gift shopping will be stress-free, we’re sure this list of the top 5 Christmas gift ideas for her will help inspire you and take one load off of your shoulders.

Christmas Gift Ideas for your Girlfriend

White candle next to a glass jar with pastel pink roses

It might sound crazy, but there’s seriously something so magnificent about the way 99% of women love things that smell good. Even better, there are hundreds of little things that you could pool together to turn into a delicious smelling hamper of goodness. You’ll never think of a gift for your girlfriend that is easier nor as successful than this. Start with a trip to your local Candle Delirium stockist and have a sniff of all their finest candles. Don’t stress too much about which candle she’ll love the most, just trust your intuition. If she has a sweet tooth, maybe steer towards a vanilla flavoured candle or if she’s more of a fan of roses or flowers reach for a floral scented candle.

Once you’ve picked out a delicious candle, you could head to The Body Shop or Lush Cosmetics and grab some yummy body scrubs and bath bombs to add to what will quickly become the best Christmas gift for your girlfriend. If you’ve got a bit of bank left to spend, seal the deal with a bouquet of stunning red roses for her to decorate her home with for the Christmas celebrations. She’s going to be stoked!

Christmas Gift Idea for your Mom

Scrapbook on white table with dried white roses


Ah, moms. They honestly deserve the world for all the things they do for us from day zero. That’s what makes buying Christmas gifts for mom so hard - Unfortunately we can’t buy them the world. But, we can buy sentimental gifts which sometimes come close. It is rare for you to find a mom who doesn’t like flicking through old family photos, but there are so many new and exciting ways to enjoy your favourite pictures. Digital picture frames are an increasingly popular addition to countertops and bedside tables. We love the Connected Photo Frame which combines the beauty of images with the added bonus of other family members being able to send photos to add to the slideshow whenever they want. If you’re not sure that’s mom’s style, then maybe you could sit down with your siblings and DIY a scrapbook. Print out the best baby photos and everyone’s favourite family holiday pictures and have some fun being creative together! 

Buying a Christmas gift for mom should not be stressful, just take a deep breath and think of her favourite things. If you’re stuck, how about a combination of beautiful fresh flowers and chocolate to let her know you care?

Christmas Gift for your Mother-In-Law

Roses Only red roses with box of luxury Chocolate

This one is a toughy. Buying a Christmas gift for your Mother-in-Law feels like a balancing act. You want to make it special without going too over the top. First thing’s first, have you asked your partner what she might like? If they can tell you her drink of choice or the name of that book she’s always asking for, that’s one step closer to victory. But, if they’re just as clueless as you are, don’t fret! Hosting Christmas is no small feat, so if you’re spending Christmas at your Mother-in-Law’s house, treat her to the perfect bouquet of flowers and chocolates and you’ll be the talk of the party! Buying a Christmas gift for your Mother-in-Law doesn’t have to be a big deal, and you definitely don’t need to buy her a trip to Hawaii. The flowers can decorate the dining table and the chocolates can be pulled out for dessert, or she can save them for a cheeky late-night snack.

If that’s not quite tickling your fancy, leave an impression with by getting these beautiful and fresh flowers delivered to her . For years to come, your Mother-in-Law will know you as the one who stunned. And that’s it, you’ve officially nailed it. 

With the three hardest Christmas gifts to buy out of the way, it’s time to start planning out how you will decorate your home for the jolly season